Age: 20

Height and B/W/H: T155 ・ 83 (C) ・ 56 ・ 85

Reservation: Yes, available to contact her (please unlock premium to know it)

Overall: I have not actually played with Satomi yet, but I confirmed with her that she can accept English speaking foreigners.

The below content is based on other brothers’ comments “””
First of all…the first impression is that smile that greets you with a big smile. Satomi is cute, delightful and warm.
Even when I meet her for the first time… it’s great to see the feeling of saying “Thank you for choosing me on the front.
And I like Kiss, so as soon as I enter the room, I’m in a storm of Deep Deep kiss. The technique in the washing room was a reverse soap experience, that I erotically massaged Satomi a lot. it’s the best


Satomi ‘s overall score is 4.93 score based on 38 reviews. It’s pretty stably high. I think to play with her will definitely give you a wonderful soap experience.

Price: 30000-40000 JPY

Last Updated on 2024-04-16